Speaker: Sue Tranka

CNO PANEL: Chief nursing officers on CP workforce challenges and resolutions

Sue Tranka was appointed as the CNO for Wales and Nurse Director of NHS Wales in the summer of 2021. She was formerly the deputy chief nursing officer for patient safety and innovation at NHS England and Improvement. She was also director of infection prevention and control, leading the national team in its response to supporting guidance development, implementation and remobilisation of NHS services. 

Sue has 32 years of varied experience in nursing and has spent the last 25 years working in the NHS. Sue trained as a midwife, registered general nurse, mental health nurse and community nurse. Sue has a strong interest in quality improvement, human factors and safety systems. 

In December 2021, Sue was awarded a fellowship of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, and has held the title of honorary visiting professor at Cardiff University since April 2022. 

Sue is also a trustee for the Florence Nightingale Foundation, and has been noted as one of the 50 most influential people in health from a Black, Asian and minority ethnic background. 


‘We are committed to ensuring children have the best possible start in life. The health visiting workforce plays a crucial role in promoting children’s health and wellbeing and supporting families. It’s during these early days that the foundations for future health, mental wellbeing, and social development are laid.’